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Apple Stuffed Chicken Breast

Preparation Time:
15 mins
Cooking Time:
25 mins
Total Time:
40 mins

Recipe Categories


2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1/2 cup apple, finely chopped 
2 tablespoons shredded Cheddar cheese
1 tablespoon panko bread crumbs
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon Maggi chicken bouillon
1 tablespoon Maggi Jugo sauce
2 tablespoon butter
1/4 cup dry white wine
1/4 chicken stock
2 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, for garnish


Combine apple, cheese, and bread crumbs. 

Set aside.

Flatten chicken breasts between sheets of waxed paper to 1/4 inch thickness. 

Divide apple mixture between chicken breasts, and roll up each breast. 

Secure with toothpicks.

Melt butter in a 7-inch skillet over medium heat. 

Brown stuffed chicken breasts. 

Add wine and water. 

Add Italian seasoning, Maggi bouillon, Maggi Jugo sauce.

Stir and cover. 

Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the chicken is no longer pink, the internal temperature should read 165ยบ F.

Transfer chicken to a serving platter and cover with foil to keep warm. 

Combine water and cornstarch; stir into juices in the pan. 

Cook and stir until thickened. 

Pour gravy over chicken, and garnish with parsley. 
